Chapter 70: Lavia

Arriving at the windmill by the river valley, Viola looked down—the silence was so delicate—this wide river flowed ceaselessly, reminiscent of the black river on the night of the Blood Moon in the Dream Warren, but far cleaner than that dark stream. Strange little animals whispered in the valley, insects hummed softly on the water's surface, and the croaking of frogs echoed, while plants rarely seen in the secular world intertwined, blending into a thrilling buzz.

Along the riverbank, ancient rocks worn by countless floods gleamed, with bright weeds scattered among them like scattered stars; fireflies occasionally flew over the river under the night sky, dipping onto the water's surface, causing the moon in the river to ripple into golden serpent-like moon shadows.

The riverbank was lined with ancient rocks, polished by the relentless flow of water, and vibrant weeds dotted the scene like scattered stars. Fireflies flitted across the river under the night sky, their lights skimming the water, transforming the moon's reflection into shimmering golden serpents that danced with the ripples.

"Viola," Teacher said with his unique deep voice, "do you remember what I taught you?"

Under the chirping of the insects at night, sheltered by the windmill, Viola lifted her head, her golden hair caressed by the breeze from the riverside, her hands gently hanging at her sides, as she watched the bearded man bow his head amidst the vast expanse of stars.

"I remember," she nodded nervously, "Teacher."

"Say it to me."

"Cognoscetis veritatem et veritas liberabit vos (You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free)."

"Good, remember this phrase. Remember, what you need is to gain freedom with your own hands, not with someone else's. Do not entrust your fate to anyone, not even me. I hope you can develop an independent personality. You need to stand on your own feet in this world, rather than leaning weakly on someone you believe you can rely on until the end of your days. I hope you can stay here. In this place, you can acquire extensive knowledge, you will receive systematic magical education, and you will become the mage you aspire to be. Finally, you need to remember: I may not always be your teacher, but you will undoubtedly grow into a mage of commendable character."

Viola bit her lower lip, feeling a slight shivering in her fingers.

Behind her came the sound of shoes scraping against the cobblestone path. Viola turned apprehensively to see a tall figure standing beneath the windmill, draped in a grey mage's robe. His face was obscured by the mist, but he seemed to be scrutinizing her—his gaze carried a calm, assessing quality—which made her feel somewhat uneasy. She clutched at her teacher's sleeve, finding solace in his presence, and managed to steady her nerves.

The man shifted his gaze away from Viola and looked up at her teacher. Before him stood a tall and robust figure, his facial features sharp and stern, with a pair enigmatic eyes. His black hair and eyes were complemented by a disheveled beard, and his cold eyebrows were deeply set above his sockets.

His expression took on a new element—something indescribable that Viola had never seen on the faces of others who had locked eyes with her teacher. Perhaps Viola did not understand it now, but she would come to realize later: it was astonishment, mingled with a fleeting trace of dread. The man was a skilled observer of hearts and emotions, and he was taken aback by the extraordinary darkness and coldness in her teacher's gaze.

In her eyes, he was a scholar who knew all; a powerful mage who had destroyed that dreadful witch; the one who had placed her father's soul into a ruby and fashioned it into a necklace, which he then hung around her neck, causing her fear to gradually fade over that month. However, to those in the know, the Dark wizard was a terrifying figure—they faced the horrific Outer Gods without flinching, destroyed souls to unleash spells, and were fanatics who dared to peer into the darkest depths in pursuit of truth.

She felt her teacher's hand on her shoulder, "Go on, Viola. Go to him. You should step towards independence."

No! I want to go back! Viola shouted in her heart. She dragged her feet, clinging to Salser's hem, unwilling to move, as he pushed her towards the registration desk under the windmill. The distance gradually shortened, and the face in the mist became clearer. It belonged to a man with silver strands in his hair and beard, deep wrinkles etched on his cheeks and forehead, and piercing blue eyes that seemed like those of a hawk, capable of easily penetrating one's soul. Unconsciously, Viola averted her gaze, unable to meet that calm stare.

"A child with talent, but not enough to exempt her from the exam," his voice was as light as a sigh from a ghost in the mist, "But if you vouch for her, she can be admitted directly."

Then, his attention shifted entirely to Salser, as if she didn't exist, "As a mage who studies soul magic just like you, I can sense that you've delved too deeply into that path... But out of courtesy, I wouldn't dare to give unsolicited advice. I will vouch for this child, what is her name?"

Salser patted her shoulder. Viola swallowed a gulp of nervous saliva, then whispered, "My name is Viola, Your Excellency—Viola Bettrafio."

She took the liberty of adding the surname to herself, but she didn't dare to look up and observe Salser's expression.

"I'm not an Excellency, child, I am Lavia Ben, a mentor in soul studies."

Viola's mind raced through a few etiquette lessons the Dark wizard had taught her, and then she very quietly apologized to him, "I'm sorry, Master Lavia."

"A very polite child," Lavia nodded calmly, then shifted his attention back to Salser, "It seems you have other matters to attend to?"

"Here to find a nun who teaches demonology and also serves as the school nurse."

"The giant crow, Felisin, will guide you," Lavia said, "If you have time in the future, I would welcome you to come and discuss knowledge of soul studies with me."

"It wouldn't be my pleasure," Salser shook hands with him. Viola noticed that Mr. Lavia had numerous scars on his hands—similar to those of her teacher.

Then, a blue, ethereal emblem materialized in Lavia's palm, looking quite indistinct. The emblem descended onto Viola's head, and then he stepped aside, indicating for her to head towards the windmill gate. This emblem ... Viola didn't recognize what it was, but she was very clear that once she walked through that door, she would begin to face the unknowns of this world on her own.

Viola suddenly felt an urge to flee, to dart out through the archway dozens of meters away, to escape back to the hotel room and curl up in Jeanne's embrace... She took a deep breath for a moment, then reached out with her other hand to tug at Salser's clothing, wanting him to bend down to face her.

She felt her heart pounding wildly.

Perhaps Teacher would think it was just a farewell hug.

She saw her teacher lowering himself with a calm gaze, his dark pupils revealing no emotions.

A sudden wave of panic swept over her, but at the same time, a certain impulse drove her forward.

Viola extended her arms to encircle his neck, then lifted her head and pressed her lips against his.

She caught her teacher's eyes filled with utmost surprise. Perhaps he hadn't thought about it at all, hadn't expected such a thing to happen.

The kiss didn't last long, just a brief and impulsive, wonderful yet confusing touch of lips. But Viola felt that it was exactly as she had imagined her first kiss to be, perfect. Although her chin was pricked by the stubble, the sensation of touching her teacher's lips was worth remembering for a whole year.

Viola blinked, feeling a tingling sensation in her toes and a slight dizziness.

Then she turned and ran.

"Oh, it seems the child really likes you," Lavia observed Salser for a moment, "My opinion of you has changed slightly."

Salser's words were stuck in his throat. He didn't know what to say about it.

"See, just as I said," the giant crow flew over to taunt him, "You are the one with ill intentions."

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